

Showcase of some of my projects.

Personal Website

Personal Website

Created with NextJS, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. This website is a personal project that I built to showcase my work and share my thoughts.

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Face Recognition App

Face Recognition App

A full-stack web application that uses the Clarifai API to detect faces. The front-end is built with React and the back-end is built with Node.js, hosted on Heroku.

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Dashboard - Next.js

Dashboard - Next.js

A dashboard built with Typescript and Tailwind CSS while following Next tutorial. It's a simple and clean design that is fully responsive and easy to customize.

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Music Player

Music Player

A music player app that allows you to play, pause, skip, and go back to the previous song. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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Animated Template

Animated Template

A custom animated website template built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features a responsive design and a clean layout.

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Quote Generator

Quote Generator

A simple quote generator app that fetches quotes from the Quotable API. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows you to generate a random quote and share it on Twitter

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Custom Countdown

Custom Countdown

A simple countdown app that allows you to set multiple dates and then display the time remaining until those dates. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

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NASA Space Apps

NASA Space Apps

A website created for the NASA Space Apps Challenge as a demo project meant to showcase during the pitch presentation. Built with Bootstrap and JavaScript in a couple of hours just as a proof of concept for our story.

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Joke Teller

Joke Teller

A joke teller app that uses the JokeAPI to fetch random jokes and tell them using the Text-to-Speech API. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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Numbers Trivia

Numbers Trivia

A numbers trivia app that fetches random trivia facts about numbers from the Numbers API, four categories possible. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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Red hot chili peppers

Red hot chili peppers

Mockup website created for the Red Hot Chili Peppers band, interactive showcase of their music and history.